Russia deploys troops along Israel-Syria border

DailySun || Shining BD

Published: 11/30/2023 7:37:26 AM

The soldiers of Russia, one of the leading countries demanding that the occupying Israel stop the genocide in Gaza, published a video taken near the Golan Heights.

In the video published by Russian Today (RT), one of Russia's media organisations, Russian soldiers are seen near the Golan Heights, reports

It is understood that the video, apparently shot by Russian soldiers, gives a message to Israel. The video in question shows the Golan Heights, the Russian flag, Russian soldiers, and the military front. However, the video also brought to mind that Russia could enter the game at any moment.

Russia's military presence in Syria is still ongoing and can easily reach the Israeli border. Most recently, Israel bombed Syria's Damascus Airport, which was condemned by Russia.

Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution calling upon Israel to withdraw from the occupied Golan Heights, reports Russian news agency TASS.

A total of 91 countries voted in favour of the document, including Russia, Brazil, India, China and Saudi Arabia. Eight countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, voted against, while 62 countries abstained.

The resolution was co-authored by a group of nations that includes Algeria, Venezuela, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, North Korea, Cuba, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates, Syria and Tunisia.

The document contains eight provisions. The first one states that Israel has so far failed to implement the 1981 UN Security Council Resolution 497, which declares the Israeli annexation null and void.

Apart from that, the document "demands once more that Israel withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967, in implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions."

It also determines that "the continued occupation of the Syrian Golan and its de facto annexation constitute a stumbling block in the way of achieving a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region."

Besides, the UN General Assembly "calls upon Israel to resume the talks on the Syrian and Lebanese tracks and to respect the commitments and undertakings reached during the previous talks" and "requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session on the implementation of the present resolution."

The Golan Heights, which belonged to Syria since 1944, were seized by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. In 1981, the Israeli parliament passed a law unilaterally declaring sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The UN Security Council declared the annexation null and void in its Resolution 497 on 17 December, 1981.

Shining BD