What is the GPT-4 model from Microsoft-backed OpenAI?

Reuters || Shining BD

Published: 3/16/2023 5:29:23 AM

OpenAI, a startup backed by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O), has started rolling out GPT-4, a potent artificial intelligence model that replaces the ChatGPT technology that was so successful.


GPT-4 can produce content from both image and text prompts because it is "multimodal," as the name suggests.


The most recent iteration of the large language model can also use images as inputs to recognize and analyze objects in a picture, in contrast to GPT-3.5, which only accepts text prompts.
GPT-3.5 can only produce responses of up to 3,000 words, whereas GPT-4 can produce responses of more than 25,000 words.
In comparison to its predecessor, GPT-4 is 82% less likely to comply with requests for content that is not permitted and performs 40% better on some factual tests.
Additionally, it will allow developers to choose the verbosity and tone of their AI. For instance, GPT-4 can adopt a Socratic conversational stance and answer queries with queries. The technology's previous iteration had a predetermined tone and aesthetic.

Soon ChatGPT users will have the option to change the chatbot's tone and style of responses, OpenAI said.


The latest version has outperformed its predecessor in the U.S. bar exam and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). GPT-4 can also help individuals calculate their taxes, a demonstration by Greg Brockman, OpenAI's president, showed.

The demo showed it could take a photo of a hand-drawn mock-up for a simple website and create a real one.

A virtual volunteer tool powered by GPT-4 will be made available on the visually impaired people's app Be My Eyes.

GPT-4, according to OpenAI, is "less capable than humans in many real-world scenarios" and has the same limitations as its previous iterations.

Hallucinations, or inaccurate responses, have been a problem for many AI systems, including GPT-4.

According to OpenAI, GPT-4 can compete with human propagandists in many fields, particularly when paired with a human editor.

When asked how to get two parties to disagree with one another, GPT-4 provided suggestions that seemed plausible, according to the example that was given.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, claimed that GPT-4 was "most capable and aligned" with human values and intentions, despite the fact that "it is still flawed."

Since the vast majority of its data was cut off in September 2021, GPT-4 generally has no knowledge of things that happened after that date. Additionally, it does not benefit from mistakes.

GPT-4 is capable of processing both text and image inputs, but only the text-input feature will be made available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and software developers, and there will be a waitlist.

The $20 monthly subscription plan was introduced in February and provides a quicker response time as well as priority access to new features and enhancements.

Some features on the subscription tier of language learning platform Duolingo's (DUOL.O) GPT-4 are powered by Microsoft's Bing AI chatbot.

Shining BD