This is how obesity raises the risk of developing cancer.

NDTV || Shining BD

Published: 2/27/2023 9:11:44 AM

Inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to chronic inflammation and accelerate cell division, are also more prevalent in the blood of obese people.

One of the most prevalent health issues in the world is obesity. The condition is characterized by an excessive buildup of body fat, which can result in serious health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Being overweight can occur for a variety of reasons, such as insufficient exercise and high calorie intake. In addition to these problems, gaining too much weight can damage your joints and bone health. Many people today strive to reduce excess body fat in order to develop a toned physique, but being overweight can also increase your risk of developing cancer, so your appearance should not be your only concern.

What is Obesity? Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra claims that obesity raises the risk of developing cancer. Her most recent Instagram Stories discuss the various ways that obesity can cause cancer.

Your body may become more insulin resistant as a result of gaining those extra layers of fat. According to the nutritionist, this causes the body's cells to divide more quickly because they are unable to effectively absorb glucose. And since cancer involves the abnormal and unchecked growth of cells within the body, this may happen. Inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to chronic inflammation and accelerate cell division, are also more prevalent in the blood of obese people. Oestrogen production from extra body fat raises the risk of cancer in this way as well. Obesity can raise the risk of ovarian and breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
Lovneet Batra provided much-needed advice to increase metabolism earlier this month. She clarified that the best way to boost metabolism is through water therapy. She gave research as support for her claim that consuming cold water for an hour can increase metabolism by up to 25%. This is so because drinking water causes the body to produce more heat, which increases energy consumption.

Shining BD