President wishes PM's long life, sound health

Shining BD Desk || Shining BD

Published: 9/28/2022 4:28:06 AM

President M Abdul Hamid today wished long life, sound health, peace-progress and continued wellbeing of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the occasion of her 76th birthday to be celebrated tomorrow. 

"I extend my heartiest greetings and warm congratulations to Bangladesh Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina," he said in a message on the eve of her birthday.

Sheikh Hasina was born on September 28 in 1947 at Tungipara in Gopalganj in a traditional political family, the President said. 

Since her childhood, she saw the leadership of her father, the undisputed leader of the Bangalee nation and the great architect of the independence Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his struggling life and his politics for the country and the masses, the head of the state added.

Abdul Hamid said that she engaged herself in the politics of Bangladesh Chhatra League and actively took part in all struggles and movements for realizing rights of the Bangalees, including the anti-Pakistan movement.

Despite being the daughter of the Father of the Nation, her path was never smooth, he said.

He said that Sheikh Hasina's father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and most of his family members were brutally killed by the anti-liberation clique of assassins on the black night of August 15, 1975

Her mother Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib, brothers Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal and child Sheikh Russel and many other dear and near ones embraced martyrdom, he added.

Bangabandhu's two daughters -- Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana -- escaped the assassination as they were staying in the then West Germany, he mentioned.

The head of the state said they had to spend life in a very adverse situation in exile in London and Delhi for six years embracing the grief of losing parents, brothers and other relatives in heart.

Attacks were carried out on her many times including the grenade attacks on August 21 in 2004 at the Bangabandhu Avenue but every time she escaped these dangers at the grace of Almighty Allah, he said.

He said that Sheikh Hasina was elected president of Bangladesh Awami League unanimously at the national council of the party on February 14-16 in 1981.

Overcoming different hurdles, she returned home on May 17 in 1981 keeping the grief of losing relatives in heart and initiated movement to restore democracy in the country, he said.

In continuation of that, democracy won and autocrat was overthrown through mass-movement of 90's, he mentioned.

The President said that Bangladesh Awami League achieved landslide victory in the general election on June 12, 1996 and formed the government under her leadership.

During that period, the historic Chattogram Hill Tract (CHT) Peace Accord was inked while the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was signed with neighboring India, he mentioned.

Under her leadership, the AL came to power three times in a row through ninth parliamentary elections on December 29 in 2008, 10th parliamentary elections on January 5 in 2014 and 11th parliamentary elections on December 30 in 2018, he added. 

During that period, the verdict of the case over the murder of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was executed, trial process of war criminals began and verdicts were executed, Bangladesh's legal right in maritime boundary was established, longstanding unresolved land boundary with India was demarcated or agreement for exchanging enclaves was inked, he added.
Under her dynamic leadership, Bangladesh today graduated to the status of developing nation from the list of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), he said.

As a result of her bravery, strong action and timely decision-making, he said, the long cherished Padma Bridge, built with the government's own funding, stands today as a symbol of the nation's pride in the bosom of the raging Padma River.

Abdul Hamid said that mega projects like Karnaphuli Tunnel, Metro Rail and Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant are being implemented.

She set a bright example in the history of world humanity by giving shelter to millions of forcibly displaced and persecuted Rohingya people from Myanmar, he said, adding that because of her generosity, Sheikh Hasina has been dubbed as "Mother of Humanity".

In continuation of the successful implementation of Vision 2021, Sheikh Hasina has taken 'Vision 2041' and 'Delta Plan' to turn the country into a 'Sonar Bangla' as dreamt by Bangabandhu, he said.

President Hamid said she has been awarded many national and international awards in recognition of her outstanding contribution to combating the negative effects of climate change, information technology, women's empowerment and poverty alleviation.

Bangladesh's strong position and role in UN Climate Conference COP-26 under her leadership has increased the status of the country in front of the world, he added.

As a result of the participation of heads of state and government of neighboring countries in various events organized on the occasion of Mujib year, golden jubilee of the country's independence and victory, the field of good relations and cooperation of Bangladesh with these countries has been further expanded, Hamid continued.

Though the world economy faced negative impacts of the pandemic, Bangladesh has been able to maintain the economic growth facing the impacts of coronavirus pandemic because of the time-befitting and courageous steps of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he said.

The Russia-Ukraine crisis and the consequent rise in global inflation have pushed the world into new challenges amid pandemic, he said, adding that to deal with this situation, the government has adopted and implemented cost-effective policies and various incentive programmes for common people.

Due to the dynamic leadership and right decisions of the Prime Minister, Bangladesh is successfully dealing with this global crisis, he said.

Following the ideals of the father of the nation, his worthy successor Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is leading the Bengali nation to move forward to build a happy and prosperous 'Sonar Bangla' as dreamt by Bangabandhu.

Like her father, Sheikh Hasina is a leader of the masses, he added.

Sheikh Hasina has established herself as one of the best statesmen not only in the country but also across the globe with her political wisdom, prudence, dynamic leadership and humane values, he said.




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